Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year Resolutions

      Many people have goals for the New Year. These goals are called resolutions. For this New Year I have 3 resolutions. Some people are broad with their resolutions and don't explain how they are going to these things. I know what you're thinking, why the heck would I want to read about someone's New Years resolution that I don't even know? I'll tell you why. Maybe, reading my resolutions will give you an idea for a resolution to make your life better. Remember don't be too unrealistic, like saying you want to fly for your resolution, or you want to swim to India from Mexico. You have to be realistic.

         Goal #1 I want to get straight A's on my report card for the rest of the year. I plan on doing this by studying a little each night or whenever I have time. I will study for all my tests and do all my homework.

          Goal #2 I want lose 10 pounds. I recently looked at my mirror and said, " I am fat!" I plan to work out and do some sort of exercise for at lest 60 minutes. I want to drink at least a gallon of water everyday and control my sugar intake.

            Goal #3 I want to make 10 new friends. I don't want to be that person who is socially awkward. I want to meet new people and I want them to like them for who I truly am. I want friends that will be there for me later in life.
           Those are my goals or resolutions for the New Year. What are yours.